Terry Patterson

We are extremely saddened to announce that our North-West rep, Terry Patterson, passed away just before Christmas.

Terry was one of the driving forces behind NAWRA. He was a friend, a father, a comrade and a bloody good welfare rights worker.

He will be remembered fondly and hugely missed by many members and by all of us on the NAWRA committee. Rest in peace Terry.

On Mon 8 Feb, there will be an online event for all who knew Terry to remember him and celebrate his Welfare Rights work. Since we can’t get together at this time, the event will give us an opportunity to share memories of him and his work . It is free, of course, but you need to book in. To see details and book in go to A Tribute to Terry Patterson.

Greater Manchester Welfare Rights Advisers (GMWRAG) have also offered a heartfelt tribute on their website which you might also like to read.

This was taken in Downing St in 2009, when Gordon Brown held a reception for advice workers and Terry and others from the LGA adviser’s group were invited to attend. (Thanks to Gary Vaux for the photo and accompanying text.)

Terry was a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Benefits and Social Justice for many years. His colleagues have written Remembering Terry Patterson for the latest edition.