Our next meeting will take place on Friday 6 March at the University of Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent.

Our guest speakers will be Andrew Hood from the Institute for Fiscal Studies and Jackie Cox from Church Action on Poverty.  Andrew will present his research on social security spending under the current coalition government and beyond.  Jackie will tell us about “The Real Benefits Street” a project giving voice to benefit claimants and dispelling media myths.

There will be workshops on students and welfare,  ESA caselaw developments around mobilising, mandatory reconsideration, and universal credit. It will also be an opportunity to find out about the courses offered by Staffordshire University.

The meeting will also act as NAWRA’s AGM.

The full agenda for the day is available now.

The meeting is free, but only NAWRA members may attend.  Contact Kelly to find out about joining NAWRA.

Categories: Meetings