NAWRA has responded to the DWP’s consultation on proposed changes to the work capability assessment.

Read our response.

Our final paragraph concludes –

‘In summary, NAWRA completely opposes all these proposals. The government should focus on genuine support which will take time, resources, and skill. If it goes ahead with any of these proposals that cut financial support to, and increase conditionality on, vulnerable claimants, then there is an extremely high risk of claimants’ health deteriorating with the associated risks of self-harm and, in some cases, death. Those deaths may be held directly attributable to the Department.’

We have also sent a copy to the Work and Pensions Committee.

Many thanks to all those who responded to our survey – we had more than 150 responses. And thanks to Daphne Hall (rightsnet) for collating all the results of the survey and drafting our submission.


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