Annual report 2013-14

Our annual report, approved by the AGM at Sheffield on 28th February 2014, includes highlights from the year, our recent policy work and information about the committee. It can be downloaded here. The AGM also approved our finance report. Those interested in the numbers can download the figures here.

NAWRA in The Guardian

A quote from our recent paper on the use of benefits sanctions has been reported in today’s edition of ‘The Guardian’ newspaper. In our response to the Oakley independent review of Jobseeker’s Allowance sanctions, we concluded that: “As a result of the above claimants are experiencing extreme hardship through no fault of their own. NAWRA members report claimants having to Read more…

NAWRA is coming to Sheffield!

Don’t forget that our next meeting will be held on Friday 28th February 2014 at Quaker House, 10 St James Street, Sheffield S1 2EW. Information about the meeting is available now. We now have a full programme of meetings for 2014 – further details can be found via the ‘meetings’ tab or by accessing the ‘events’ section.

Happy Christmas!

NAWRA would like to wish all our members and supporters a very happy Christmas and a successful 2014. Don’t forget that we already have a full programme of events scheduled for the new year and we hope that you will be able to join us for some, or all, of them.