NAWRA has submitted a response to the Public Accounts Committee’s inquiry into the DWP’s progress in implementing universal credit.

We raised concerns in a number of areas including –

  • while around a quarter of tax credit claimants are failing to migrate despite losing on average £300 per month, DWP do not have an understanding of why this is happening or plans to tackle it.
  • the rapid pace planned for migration of DWP legacy benefit claimants with inadequate support for those that are vulnerable.
  • the lack of published plans for pensioner tax credit claimants other than to say they will migrate to either UC or PC.

Read our submission.

With big thanks to all who responded to our survey – it makes our response much more representative. And thanks to Daphne Hall (rightsnet) for collating the survey results and drafting our submission with invaluable help from Andrew Dutton (Derbyshire County Council)