Our next meeting will take place on Friday 6 March at the University of Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent. Our guest speakers will be Andrew Hood from the Institute for Fiscal Studies and Jackie Cox from Church Action on Poverty.  Andrew will present his research on social security spending under the current coalition government and beyond.  Jackie will tell us about “The Real Benefits Street” a project giving voice to benefit claimants and dispelling media myths. There will be workshops on students and …

Meeting in Stoke-on-Trent 6 Mar 2015 Read more »

Mary O’Hara (social policy journalist and author of Austerity Bites) is looking for evidence to support her new project and is interested in hearing from claimants and advisers about the current difficulties/realities.  She is especially interested in: Bedroom tax/housing and homelessness Welfare changes/freezes/cuts to benefits Food banks and poverty Stress/mental health impact of cuts Impact on women/children/single parents/disabled people Local government cuts: social care/crisis loans etc.. Regional impact She would appreciate our help with this and would love to hear …

Evidence needed for social policy research Read more »

The Social Security Advisory Committee (SSAC) consulted on the government’s intention that certain Universal Credit claimants must wait 7 days before they are entitled to benefit. NAWRA surveyed members to find out what they thought would be the impact of this policy. Based on the results, we submitted our response where we stress in the strongest possible terms our complete opposition to this proposal.  What came over time and time again in the survey responses was the spiral of debt …

NAWRA’s submission to SSAC on waiting days for universal credit Read more »

Referrals to CPAG Child Poverty Action Group is always looking to take on a limited number of test cases each year. They are currently particularly keen to focus on the following issues –   benefit delays   local welfare provision   inappropriate work-related activity   judicial review in the upper tribunal More information Challenging inappropriate work-related activity On this point, Tom Royston of Garden Court North Chambers has drawn up a paper on the sort of cases that would be …

Test case referrals Read more »