Thanks to all members who attended our meeting in Edinburgh earlier this month and to City of Edinburgh Council for hosting us at the City Chambers. Minutes of the meeting and presentations by the guest speakers and workshop facilitators  

Date: Friday 5th June 2015 Time: 9.30am – 4pm Location: MC001 (Main Lecture Theatre), Ground Floor, MC Building, South Campus, Wolverhampton University, Wulfruna Street, Wolverhampton WV1 1LY Agenda Our guest speakers will be Steve Iafrati, senior lecturer in Social Policy at the University and Ruth London of Fuel Poverty Action.  There will be workshops on PIP, pension freedoms, the Equality Act and a project involving law students in appeal representation. The meeting is free but only NAWRA members may attend.  …

NAWRA meeting in Wolverhampton 5 June 2015 Read more »

Our next meeting will take place on Friday 6 March at the University of Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent. Our guest speakers will be Andrew Hood from the Institute for Fiscal Studies and Jackie Cox from Church Action on Poverty.  Andrew will present his research on social security spending under the current coalition government and beyond.  Jackie will tell us about “The Real Benefits Street” a project giving voice to benefit claimants and dispelling media myths. There will be workshops on students and …

Meeting in Stoke-on-Trent 6 Mar 2015 Read more »